Friday 27 December 2013

Dilemmas of a dreamer

Yes Yes !! I know I couldn't have gone any more cliche' with the title of this blog. And 'dreamer'...really?
But I wish I had another, better word to describe myself.  So this is me. A daughter, a swimmer, an MBA, but the most prominent role I play is that of a dreamer.

Now one may ask, with a raised eyebrow, why do I call myself a dreamer? Well, the most obvious answer to that nerve wrecking, thought provoking question is that I DREAM. Day in day out, with open and shut eyes, while I am working, eating, walking, even during my daily business- if you know what I mean.

On a serious note, I seriously believe that dreams are the only power a human being ever requires in their entire lifetime. They give you the power to imagine a place that is solely yours. Where you can be what you want to be, do what you want to do and most importantly change things the way you would like them to be.

But as our friendly neighborhood Spider man says, "with great power comes great responsibility" (and I have crossed all the limits that define cliches).

The power of dreaming brings along with it the responsibilities of realising those dreams, and being able to get out of the la -la land at the right time. Because 'that' place you created, is as much a trap as it is an escape.  One cannot always be there.

Reality does makes itself appear and when it does, it is the power you just gained from all those dreams which will help you turn things around. After all, if dreams are the colours, reality is the canvas you got to paint them on.

So,be a dreamer. Find those colours and paint on.

And since I am on a cliche spree, let me end this piece with the beautiful words of Mr.John  Lennon-
                          "you may say I am a dreamer, but I am not the only one..."

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